Melbourne, FL Chiropractor

Melbourne, FL Chiropractor Talks About The Cervical Spine

The human spine runs down the center of our backs and serves as a communication point between the brain and the rest of the body. The spine has 24 bones called vertebrae that interlock and protect the spinal cord – the nerve tissue of the spine. Because the spine has small bones that interlock and form a column instead of one long bone, the spinal cord is as protected as possible while still affording the back a lot of movement. Damage to the cervical spine can affect all parts of the body. Make sure to seek out professional help from a Melbourne, FL chiropractor if you experience issues with your spine.

The cervical spine is comprised of the top-most seven bones involved in the spine, C1 – C7. The first vertebra (C1) begins at the base of the skull and the last vertebra (C7) is located in the upper back, above the collarbone.

Cervical Spine Role

The role of the cervical spine is somewhat unique related to the remainder of the backbone. This is because of its proximity to the head. As the bones that are located in the neck, they are subject to the strain of holding the head and to increased movement from the neck. The head weights between 10 and 13 pounds and has a large range of movements. The spine also has the responsibility of facilitating blood flow to the brain. Unlike any other part of the spine, the cervical spine has openings for arteries to pass through and provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain through the blood.

The cervical vertebrae are connected to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints to keep the neck upright, support the head, and provide flexibility and movement. Any tension or pain associated with the cervical spine should be handled by an experienced Melbourne, FL chiropractor.

Vertebrae Characteristics

Not each vertebra is the same. Though the spine serves some common functions, such as protecting the spinal cord and supporting the body, different vertebrae have different roles in this overall function. The further down the spine you go, the more weight is being put on each individual vertebra.


The C1, also known as the atlas, is the smallest vertebrae in the spine as it is at the very top. It is a unique vertebra and is shaped much differently than other vertebrae. It is smaller and more ring-like. The atlas connects to the base of the skull through a joint called the atlanto-occipital joint. This joint is responsible for about 50% of the flexion and extension of the neck that occurs during the nodding motion.


The C2, called the axis, is another unique vertebra in the cervical section of the spine. The C2 connects to the C1 by linking a finger-like bone upwards at the back of the spine. This connection allows the C1 to rotate around the C2, which is how about 50% of the head’s rotation is accomplished.

Given the uniqueness of these two joints, its recommended to seek a highly skilled Melbourne, FL chiropractor if you’ve experienced any tension or pain in this area of your body.

C3, C4, C5, and C6

These four vertebrae are considered “typical” as they have the same basic characteristics as most of the vertebrae in the spine. These characteristics include:

  • Vertebral body – This is the large circular part of the vertebrae that stacks on top of the other vertebrae and carries the weight of the body. Between these circular sections are the cushiony disc that helps keep the bones of the spine from painfully rubbing together.
  • Vertebral arch – The vertebral arch is the part of each vertebrae that you can feel by touching someone’s back. This part protects the spinal cord (which travels in a canal between the vertebral body and the vertebral arch) from any external physical damage.
  • Facet joints – These joints, also called Zygapophysial or Z joints, are a part of the vertebral arch that connect each vertebrae together in a way that allows some limited movement. These joints keep our spine all together but allow us to twist and bend to a certain extent.


The last cervical vertebra also has its own name – the vertebra prominens. This vertebrae connects to the next section of spine, the thoracic spine, and this junction is what you feel as the larger bump at the base of your neck. This vertebra has several more muscles connecting to it than other vertebrae, due to its size and important location connecting the neck to the rest of the spine.

Cervical Spine Pain

Pain in the cervical region of the spine is often due to age-related degeneration of the vertebrae and related tissues. “Age-related” usually means the cumulative wear-and-tear of everyday life. If one were to incur an injury or multiple injuries, conditions that are usually seen in the older population may appear sooner.

Other conditions, such as disc problems, joint sprains or strains, and issues with the nerve roots can lead to local and distal pain. A Melbourne, FL chiropractor may be able to alleviate the pain or root cause.

Chiropractic Adjustments of the Cervical Spine

Cervical spine manipulation is a common technique chiropractors use to alleviate pain in the neck, upper back, shoulders, and even headaches. Chiropractic treatment may assist in:

  • Reducing pain
  • Increasing movement
  • Restoring function

Be sure to discuss with a Melbourne, FL chiropractor whether chiropractic adjustments can help your pain.

Call a Melbourne, FL Chiropractor To Learn How Your Spine May Affect Your Entire Body

With over 9 locations and over 2 decades of experience providing exceptional chiropractic service throughout Florida, you can trust our doctors at the Mauricio Chiropractic Group for your needs. Whether you need spinal adjustment, physical therapy or other rehabilitation, you can trust us to get you back on to your feet the best way possible. Give us a call now to speak to a Melbourne, FL chiropractor.

Mauricio Chiropractic Melbourne

187 South Wickham Road, Unit 101
Melbourne, FL 32904
Phone: (407) 757-0267

Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm

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