Sciatica can be one of the most common aches people complain about when going to the chiropractor. But when we ask what hurts, some people point to their legs or others point to their back or shoulders. This means that not everyone knows exactly what it is. So, technically, sciatica is not a medical diagnosis. It is actually a symptom of an underlying condition. A term used for pain that goes down the leg.


Sciatica Symptoms

The sciatica nerve is a large nerve that extends from the lower back down to the back of the leg. Here are some of the most common sciatica symptoms:

  • Pain in the leg or rear that gets worse when sitting down
  • Tingling down the leg
  • Difficulty moving the leg
  • Constant pain on one side of the back
  • Shooting pains making it hard to stand up

Normally, sciatica only affects one side of the lower body. For instance, the pain goes from the lower back all the way to the back of the thigh and down to the leg. This pain can also reach all the way down to the foot or toes. For many people the pain can be intolerable. For others it might just be irritating and not very frequent, but with time and untreated, it can get worse.

Diagnosing Sciatica

There are many disorders that can cause sciatica pain. The first step taken by a chiropractor is to determine what causes sciatica. Coming up with a diagnosis will involve reviewing the patient’s medical history and a neurological and physical examination. In order to fully diagnose it, testing may include taking an x-ray, an MRI or a CT Scan. These tests will help to detect possible contraindications to chiropractic therapies, like spinal adjustments.

Chiropractic Treatment

The main goal of chiropractic treatment is to help the body heal itself. This is based on the principle that restricted spinal movements lead to pain and reduced bodily function and performance. Therefore, chiropractic treatment is non-surgical and drug-free. The chiropractic therapy that will be applied depends on what’s causing the patient’s sciatica. But, a sciatica treatment strategy may include many different treatments like cold therapies, TENS, and spinal manipulation, among others.

Here are more details about these chiropractic treatments:

  • Cold therapy – Reduces inflammation.
  • TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) – This is a small battery-powered box for muscle stimulation. It involves an electrical current to control severe pain and reduce muscle spasms.
  • Spinal Manipulation – This helps to free the restricted movement of the spine. It helps reduce nerve irritability, reducing inflammation and pain.

Why Chiropractors?

During their college education, chiropractic students learn several different adjustment techniques which allows them to treat several types of subluxations and conditions/disorders. For example, the techniques can vary from a strong thrust to minimal force pressure. Mastering these techniques is an art that needs great skill and precision. In conclusion, spinal manipulation is why chiropractic care is so much more different than other medical disciplines.

Chiropractic For Sciatica Pain Near You

Schedule an appointment at  Mauricio Chiropractic today to determine if this is the right solution for you. Above all, sciatica can be very painful and hinder you from living life to the fullest. If you or someone you know is suffering from sciatica pain, or lower back and leg pain, please come and see us!

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